June 17, 2020


Dear Berwick Members,

After careful consideration at our committee meeting last night we have decided, with the health and safety of our junior players, parents and members, to postpone the start of all of our Junior training until the week commencing Monday June 29th.

The reasoning behind the decision to delay training is to allow time for restriction to be further eased by the State Government and Health Authorities in order to reduce the burden on our volunteers. At this stage we have not been given clear and achievable guidelines in order to run appropriate and safe training sessions. We eagerly await the VCFA’s updated Return to Training Guidelines for more information and direction in this area.

We are aware that from next week State Government have allowed all juniors (under 18’s) back to contact sport. However, from a committee perspective, without clear guidelines on how this is to be implemented, we are not willing to take any risk that could put our club, or our player’s health in jeopardy.

The Committee will host a coaches meeting so that we can give clear instruction on the requirements of our coaches, managers, helpers and players, as well as to ensure we are all on the same page, in order for BCSC to fully comply with the VCFA guidelines and the Health Authorities ruling. The details for this meeting will be released shortly.

Concurrently, we are working towards a revised figure for our player fees for season 2020. As the season has been shortened by the COVID-19 situation, we aim to ensure our fees remain value for money and ask for patience as we work out what this will look like.

This is obviously unprecedented times and as a committee we are approaching this with the caution we believe it deserves. We truly appreciate your ongoing patience and understanding. Please continue to pray for us as we juggle the obvious desire to get back into the sport that we love so much, and for the health and well-being of our club members.

Blessings to you,
BCSC Committee