Dear Berwick Members,

Thank you for your patience and understanding especially in the light of the unprecedented times of COVID.

As we now have the green light to start the season, we need to make sure everyone understands some of the new protocols.  

We have attached a link to a document of the requirements and expectations that you will need to get familiar with. Everyone attending a training session will have to sign in, which the coach will have the form for you to do that, or they will keep track of everyone by using a Team App.

With in the document here are some of the key items to remember:

Here is the link to VCFA document for returning to training

Also, we will be sending the coaches the teams list as soon as we can (by Sunday afternoon) so they can contact you. I know some already have communicated because they have had a set team, but others are not locked in place yet, which is why it's taking a littler longer.
Some teams will start training this coming week and others might start the following week, all depending on the coaches availability.

If you have not heard from a coach by Monday afternoon, then please contact me so I can look into it.

Once again thank you for your understanding.

Blessings to you,
Andrew Russell
BCSC President