June 5, 2020


Dear Berwick Members,

Thank you for your patience and consideration as we continue to navigate these unchartered waters together as a community. We have committed our club, our members, our Association and our country’s leaders to God in prayer through this time and will continue to do so.

After much discussion at our Committee meeting this week it was very clear that our utmost priority is the health and safety of our community which includes our players, coaches, volunteers and parents. We believe it is in the best interests of all that we do not commence training, for either our Juniors or our Seniors, prior to the upcoming directive from the Government, currently scheduled for the 22nd June.

This decision is not one that is arrived at lightly, as it is our ultimate aim to see our members safe and well and back on the pitch as soon as possible.

Our decision to delay a return to training comes after a thorough review of the framework and guidelines expected of clubs and individuals outlined by Council, the VCFA, Football Victoria and our Government. As a committee we feel that we cannot facilitate all of the current requirements at this point in time.

Further to this, due to the training restrictions in place we do not have the facilities, volunteers and ground availability for all of our 41 teams to train for one hour a week. This would mean disadvantaging some teams for the advantage of others, which we could not do in good conscience.

We understand that there will be some members who will be disappointed with this decision, and if you decide you would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact Andrew Russell on 0434 562 543 or Wendy Prins on 0408 326 112.

As a club we are still looking to follow the VCFA direction in relation to what a potential season will look like, and we hope and pray that we can look to commence training on or around the 22nd June, provided there is a lift in some of the restrictions currently in place.

The committee is aware that the majority of our members have paid fees for the upcoming season. There are a number of options in relation to fees, these include a full reimbursement, rollover of fees to 2021 or remain as is currently. These options can be discussed with Andrew or Wendy.

Finally, on behalf of the BCSC committee, we thank you for your understanding as we take this journey together and we ask that you continue to uplift the committee in prayer, as we will continue to uplift our members in prayer.

Andrew Russell
BCSC President

June 5, 2020