
Registration Payment

Thank you for submitting your registration form.

Registration will not be finalized until payment of a Terms fees, in advance, have been received. No student can commence training sessions until payment has been made in full for all fees, uniform and insurance (if required)

Calculation of Term Fees

Term Fees
- 20 sessions (both Monday and Thursday) - $400
- 10 Sessions (Mondays Only) - $240
- 10 Sessions (Thursdays Only) - $240

Additional Fees for new registrations
- Uniform (compulsory) - $60 (shirt, shorts and socks)
- Insurance* - $60

*insurance is only required if the child being registered is not already a member of a Junior team for 2021

Multi-child discount:
- 10 Sessions Child 2 - $190
- 10 Sessions Child 3 - $150

Payment of Academy Fees can be made via direct deposit
BSB: 063619
ACC: 11162952
Description: please write "Full name - BCSC Academy" and save a copy of your transaction in case it is required.